The BScanner website is a new price on the Ukrainian Internet. Now, any retailer can view information about a product in just a few seconds: prices in trade markets and online stores, product warehouse, availability of discount additives, comments from other customers.
You are surprised that a lot of data can be retrieved using just one barcode. As previously, it was believed that the barcode of the building was more than just about the crane, then we have to do more.
In the locality Київ we can search prices for nearby stores: Сільпо (вул. Басейна, 6), (), UltraMarket ( (вул. Глибочицька, буд. 44), АТБ (бул. Лесі Українки, буд. 5), EVA (вул. Борщагівська буд. 128), Ашан (вулиця Здолбунівська, 17), Метро ОНЛАЙН (), Фора (Попудренка ул, 9-Г), Ашан ОНЛАЙН (), VARUS (вул. Миколи Бажана, 10А), NOVUS ( (), Велмарт (вул. Героїв Дніпра, 31), NOVUS (б-р Миколи Міхновського (Дружби Народів), 16а), Велика Кишеня (пр. Академіка Глушкова, 36), ВК SELECT (вул. Матикіна, 1), ВК ЕКСПРЕС (вул. Інститутська, 15/5), ЕКО маркет ( (вул. Івана Огієнка, 15А), FOZZY (пр-т. Степана Бандери, 23), МегаМаркет (вул. Антоновича, 50), ISEI (), Метро (просп. Григоренка, 43), Космос ( (Оноре де Бальзака, 2А), Епіцентр (вул. Братиславська, 11), Продмаг (проспект Степана Бандери, 23), Rozetka, Watsons, MAUDAU, MAKEUP, EXIST.UA, F.UA, WINETIME, AURA, Masmart,, MIKSON, АГУСИК, iHerb, Lantale, Raptom, Канцелярка, Кофейня, Престиж Плюс, Rumiana, SOLO, SportShop, VINTAGE, Аптека24, ArtDrink, PAPAY, Кідіс, Антошка, BROCARD, Полиця, Ли́тали, PROSTOR, Наша Стройка, Barbercompany, Книгарня "Є", Мегакнига, Detmir, Країна казок, Фаунамаркет,, Рово, Хім Опт, Inter Cars, Сільпо ОНЛАЙН, BAYADERA, БОМОНД, YAKABOO
There are often such goods that are sold only in one trade area. In the first place, I’m talking about power brands. Also, exclusive imports are becoming more common. Please note that only one trade outlet has the right to import another brand.
So, such is the ability. For the convenience of buyers, all online stores have a buy button. Just click on it, and it will immediately take you to the product page of your preferred store. We would like to point out that the BScanner site operates not only in the locality Київ, but also in other localities of Ukraine.